Links for Parents
Hello Parents,
Here are some links that you can use if you are at home with your child. They will have had experience using these websites at school and should be able to navigate them easily. Please feel free to contact me if you need any additional work if you happen to be home for a period of time.
Microsoft Teams
We will be trying this out again at some point. Here is the link to have your child sign in.
Epic -
Your child has the class login and knows which button to choose once into our class page.
Storyline online -
We will be using stories off of this site every now and then.
Your child can ALWAYS work on a piece of writing from their 'brain pockets'. They can do a free write on one of their favourite topics!
BC Math Games -
Our class has a subscription. They can login using their username and password. -
This is a great source of games that links well to the BC curriculum. Have them try a few fun games to practice their math skills.
Each week I will post a video that goes with our topic that we are doing. Feel free to have your child check it out and give the activities a try.
Science - this will be taught by our Teacher Librarian. Mrs. Neilsen is away this year, so her replacement will let me know the topics and I will make sure to post some activities you can look into at home if you'd like.
Coding and Typing
Hour of Code -
Typing Club -
Tyson Library - Tyson Elementary School Library
Mrs Neilsen's library is a wonderful source of list to read and activities. Check it out!
Please check out some of the follow sites if you are looking for ways to support your child at home.