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Procedures & Expectations

Mrs. Sutcliffe’s Classroom Procedures


1.  Entering into the classroom in the morning


The students are to wait quietly outside until the teacher greets the students at the door.  

When entering the room the student will need to keep their distance from their peers as they walk around the room. They will drop off their backpack, soap up their hands, walk and rub then, rinse and grab their inside shoes.   When they get to their seat they are to quietly put their things away and follow the instruction for their morning work on the whiteboard.  The students are expected to start work quietly and quickly.

            Everyday the student will need:

  1. notebooks/planner/choice book to read

  2. sharpened pencils

  3. notice/money – to be put into the planner box


2. Late for Class


If you arrive late, you will need to go to the front of the school and get a slip from Mrs. Libby.  Then, knock once on the class door and quietly come in and get started on the morning work. If you have missed the instructions, quietly raise your hand and ask for help.

3. How to Get the Teacher’s Attention


Please raise your hand to show that you need some help.  Please do not wander over to the teacher, just patiently stay at your desk with your hand up and I will assist you as soon as I can.  While you are waiting move on to the next task, work on something else, or read quietly.


4. What to Do When You Do Not Understand a Question or an Assignment


a. First re-read the instructions.

b. Second, look in your notes.

c. Politely and quietly ask the student next to you for clarification.

d. Finally ask the teacher for help.  If you do not understand the assignment, it is your job to get help before you leave at the end of the day.


5. What to do when you finish your work early.


It is important that if you finish early that you do not disturb or interrupt others who are still working to complete their assignments.  Please refer to the “I’m Done Early Poster”:

  1. Work on other assignments

  2. Study your spelling words

  3. Study for any upcoming quizzes 

  4. Read a book (you are to have a book with you at all times)

  5. Draw a picture (Doodle Art)

  6. Write in your journal



6. Individual Work/ Small Group and Large Group Work


Individual: To be completed quietly and in an independent manner.

Small Group: roles will be assigned to promote accountability

Large Group: class discussion will be led by the teacher.  If you want to say something raise your hand and wait to be called on.  When others are sharing remember to put your hand up if you want to respond.


7. Leaving your seat – washroom, water bottles

There are scheduled breaks throughout the day to use the washroom (before school, recess, lunch, gym).  If it is an emergency, please raise you hand and ask for permission. Take your name magnet and place it on the small whiteboard by the door when you leave.

You may have a water bottle on your desk. Make sure to fill it at a natural break.(before school, recess, lunch)

If you need to leave your seat, please wait until the teacher is finished teaching the lesson and then ask.


8. Telephone Policy


The telephone is to be used only for urgent and important matters.

You MUST ask the teacher for permission to use the telephone.

You may only use the phone during non-instructional times.


9. Lunch time


During the eating period the students will follow the school lunch procedures.  The students will ensure that their eating area is clean and cleared before leaving for choice time.  The students will eat at their own desk.


10.  Teacher-on-call procedure


Please follow ALL classroom expectations, rules and procedures.  A follow up on behaviour will occur upon the teacher’s return.


What did one pencil say to the other?
Answer: "Wow! You're looking sharp!"
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